- fix EMCSelection screen
- added new option: PIG type with options: with frame, big PIG
- help updated in download
- updated pl, sk, cz, en, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al translations
Update is available online via setup
Последний раз редактировалось Spartak; 09.04.2015 в 10:23.
- added support for STx7111 (like Vitamin)
- added new option in the setup: button 6 - Menu Icons - here you can choose
your Menu Icons type - 30 sets of icons are supported now, sets of icons can
be downloaded via download menu in the setup - set 1,2 available for now, next sets soon, maybe ...
- changes in the setup: button 6 - Menu Icons, button 0 - update check
Update is available online via setup
Note: after install this update, menu icon must be downloaded in the setup - download menu
Последний раз редактировалось Spartak; 09.04.2015 в 10:24.
Test on OpenPli OE.3.0 Added: piconYWeather,piconSat,piconProv,Cript,Emu vec Integrirani u Skinu! Wetter,Fan,Cpu,
New Info Panel
New Second Infobar
New Channel List with Picons,Running Epg,etc,,,
Weather to config YWeather.py
1. Visit [Чтобы видеть ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] 2. Enter your city or zip code and give go... 3. Copy ID from http [Чтобы видеть ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] ( my case ) 4. Connect to FTP with a tuner and go to / usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter 5. Edit YWeather.py 6. In verse 12/13 switch the Config your City 12# 12815101 - vienna 13# weather_city = '12815101' 7. Save and restart the GUI
Please put the ipk in folder /tmp and install as :-
opkg install --force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
Последний раз редактировалось Spartak; 09.04.2015 в 10:25.